Friday 9 July 2010

The Benefits of Insomnia

I’m not alone in enjoying this new location. Tigs has taken to staying out late – a sure sign that she’s comfortable with her surroundings. The only problem is that she tends to get home from work between 2:30 and 3:00 am, which doesn’t give me a lot of time to get much sleep before the sheep start their choir practice, at around 5 o’clock. As a result, I’ve been getting more and more tired and the few jobs I need to do (my first engine service, mostly) seem to have taken much longer than they ought to. Tigs will be confined to quarters tonight, and tomorrow will be a rare rest day for me before I set off for pastures new.

One advantage of this disrupted sleep pattern was that I was awake and able to enjoy the tranquility at around 3:30 this morning. I did my best to capture the scene but again the pictures (even with assistance from Photoshop) failed to rise to the occasion.

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