Thursday 10 June 2010

Welcome to my brand new blog

Well, I've finally got round to creating a blog - something that seems a virtual necessity considering the amount of time I've spent over the past few years reading other boaters' blogs.

After a seemingly interminable time of threatening to sever all ties with dry land, about three weeks ago I actually picked up the keys to Universe and set off from Lymm towards a new life that, to be perfectly honest, I'm making up as I go along.

Accompanying me on this voyage into the unknown is Tigs, whose patience I regularly test beyond any reasonable breaking point but who, for some reason, retains a thoroughly inexplicable level of tolerance. I am perfectly aware that if cats ever learn to use a tin opener there will be no further use for the human race but she does actually seem to get some enjoyment from the arrangement, which is extremely fortunate given the amount of pleasure she gives me.

There's so much that's happened over the past few weeks that I'll probably be spending quite a while catching up with it all. I haven't even introduced the boat yet, or described anything that's happened on my travels, let alone mentioned any of the characters I've met on the way, or the places I've seen or... or... and that's just boaty things - I could rant and rave about all sorts of things now I've got a blog, couldn't I? Oh no - what have I started?

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